What is the difference between Teams and Groups?

Emma Powney Updated by Emma Powney


Creating teams means you are able to segment your content by these teams, making it possible to push the right content to the right people. Segmenting your users also proves useful for Analytics, giving you better visibility as to which teams are sharing and generating the most engagement in the platform. 

We recommend adding teams based on the overarching layout of your business. I.E. if you business operates by different regions, departments or business units, these would be the teams to add. A useful way to look at this is how would you describe your business structure in the simplest manner. 

To learn more about Teams, click here.


Groups enable you to create a more granular level of segmentation to your account, adding custom group types and options. Groups are a secondary level to teams, and enable you to add further functionality to how content is segmented. 

To learn more about Groups, click here.

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