X (Previously known asTwitter) Update

Elliot Updated by Elliot

X (Previously known as Twitter) Updates - Removal Of Twitter Content Sources

As you will no doubt be aware, there have been some significant changes within Twitter over the past 6-9 months since Elon Musk acquired Twitter and was named X.

One of the things that Elon Musk has decided to do (to increase revenue) is to increase their API costs to starting costs of $42,000 per month for enterprise access (https://www.wired.co.uk/article/twitter-data-api-prices-out-nearly-everyone).

While we can see this being viable for some businesses that rely on selling data from Twitter, for us it simply does not make sense.At DSMN8, we have looked for out options over the past few months to continue to provide Twitter to our clients without incurring considerable costs and needing to pass these across to our clients.

We are pleased to say that sharing to Twitter will continue unimpacted. However, we will no longer be supporting Twitter as a Content Source in the platform.

This is not a decision that we have made lightly, but looking at our data, very few Twitter (Now X) Content sources are actually used to approve content, and the quality of the content shared from these sources is in the lowest numbers across all sources, particularly compared to manual content curation.

RSS Feeds

Should you wish to continue using Twitter (Now known as X) as a content source we would recommend setting up a X account as an RSS feed (https://rss.app/rss-feed/create-twitter-rss-feed). This looks to be a viable solution currently, however, the longevity of these services is unknown whilst Twitter is still in a volatile management state.

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