UTM & URL Tracking

Elliot Updated by Elliot

UTM & URL Tracking

Have you ever wondered how to take your UTM tracking to a whole new level? Are you the person running the advocacy initiative and being the one responsible to answer how many clicks have been driven by X campaign? Which of your colleagues are generating more traffic and leads? 

Worry no more, with DSMN8’s customisable UTM tracking, you will be able to take your reporting to next level, by being able to configure your UTM parameters however you see fit. 

In order to start creating your own URL tracking rules, as an admin, you simply have to head to “URL tracking” under the “Admin Tab”

Once you have reached this stage, you simply have to click on the “New” button, a pop-up window will be displayed for you to begin establishing your parameters. 

From here you will be able to add your custom parameters for your UTM links. You then have the option to filter these across Teams, Groups, Sources and even custom URLs. By doing this you can have different UTM parameters depending on what your content is tagged to, and even which URL it is using. 

This creates a huge amount of customisation and multiple rules can be created to manage this process. 

PS: You can create as many rules as you wish, and if some of those parameters get crossed over, you also have the ability to move them around and prioritise the list from top to bottom of what you consider most important. 

In addition to creating new rules, admin users can make certain links exempt if they wish not to add the UTM parameters to certain domains.

To make sure these exceptions are defined, you will have to go to “Exempts” and click on “New”.

You will then be able to input the domain, and save it.

Lastly,you can use our “UTM Checker” to perform any tests on your UTM parameters you have set up. This will give you an opportunity to see which rules will be applied when content is shared. 

PS: It is very important that once you are confident that you have created the parameters you need and set the right exceptions that you “Activate” the URL tracking.

You will find it on the “Rules” tab on the right side of the screen.

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