Claimable Rewards

Elliot Updated by Elliot

Create Claimable Rewards

With Claimable rewards your points act like a currency. Claim prizes with the points you have earned over time, spend your points on smaller prizes, or save up the points for the bigger rewards.  Account admins will control rewards, the number of points required to claim, how many times each employee can claim a prize and how many are available. 

Claimable rewards are best used for multiple prizes that you are giving away, such as company merchandise, vouchers and other items you have multiple of.  

Examples of Claimable rewards we see often included in DSMN8 are:

$5 Starbucks Voucher 

Company Hoodie

Charity Donation ($10) 

Setting Up a Claimable Reward: 

Head to the gamification page from your Advocacy Menu. 

Select new reward, Name the reward, select claimable, and chose the teams you would like to be able to claim this reward 

Fill in your reward details, add a Title, Description, and image for your reward (recommended image size 800 X 800). 

Choose your start date for your reward, as well as date you would like the Reward to end and become unavailable. 

You can also restrict rewards to certain teams within the platform, should you only want a certain team to be able to claim this reward. This was already set in the first step, however you can change this here. 

Configure Your Reward

Required Points - The amount of points required by users to claim this reward. Remember Users receive 2 points per share and 10 points per click. 

Maximum Number of Claims - How many of this item are you able to give away to employees. IE the total number of this prize available. 

Maximum Number Of Claims Per User - How many times can a user claim this prize. 

Require Address To Claim - If you need to send this prize to a user, and require their address this can be requested here. 

View who has claimed a Reward

From Your gamification menu select the prize you would like to view. 

Select the Activity tab. 

From here you can view the employees who have claimed your reward and mark off those who have received their prize.

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Create Leaderboards Rewards
