Adding An RSS Feed As A Content Source

Emma Powney Updated by Emma Powney

Content Sources - Adding An RSS Feed

Adding an RSS feed allows you to add content from almost anywhere on the internet, in particular the company blog, careers pages, investor news pages, and even trusted industry news sources. Provided you have access to an RSS feed, anything can be turned into a content source. 

Navigate to the content page, and select the new source option and select RSS. 

1. Enter your URL for the RSS feed you would like to add. Content will then be auto-populated so you can see the content from the RSS Feed. 

2. Add a name for your content source (eg. {Company name} Blog), this will display on the feed when content is approved. 

3. Press Create.

The content source will then run in a timely manner in the next 60 minutes. Alternatively you can select the three dots and choose to 'Run Now', which will manually run the content source to pull in content immediately. 

You will then have the option to update the display image for the content source, this will display in the feed when content is approved from this source. 

Additional settings

Maximum Age - Maximum age setting refers to how far back you would like DSMN8 to scrape content from. This is defaulted to one week previous, so all of the content from the past week will be pulled in for approval. If you would like to pull content from before, select the date you would like. 

Teams - You can set content sources to be specific to certain teams within DSMN8. Should this source only be relevant to one team within the platform, you can specify this here. This will also mean that team leaders for this team will be able to see and approve this content for their team.

Auto Approve - Setting a content source to Auto Approve will mean content is automatically approved into the platform for users to share without the need for Admins to do so manually. This will approve the content with the default metadata (preview images, captions and titles) that comes with the post without admin edits. Selecting auto approve for a source will not enable automations for the content, automations will need to manually run on this post. 

We recommend only using auto approve for highly trusted content sources, where you can guarantee the quality of content, and that all content will be relevant to be shared by employees. 

Time Zone - Set the time zone that is most relevant to this content source, this will define the times that DSMN8 will scrape the page to make sure content is pulled in in a timely manner. This value is defaulted to your time zone that you are using to set the content source up. 

Approval Notifications - Choose who you would like to notify about content being available to approve from this source. If left blank, all admins will receive a notification about pending content that is available to approve, however specific team members can be identified to approve content from certain sources using this feature.

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