Admins, Curators & Team Leaders

Emma Powney Updated by Emma Powney

Admins, Curators and Team Leaders

There are a number of different roles within DSMN8 that have elevated access beyond a standard user. Whilst you may have global admins with full access to everything in DSMN8, you can also utilise Team Leaders and Curators, to help manage different teams. This means you can have different people approving content and managing users in separate teams, effectively delegating responsibility to others without handing over full control of the platform. 

Admin Accesses

An admin has the highest level of access in the platform. They oversee and perform all duties. 

They can:

• Invite users to the platform

• Manage and delete users

• Add Content Sources

• Curate posts

• Add content on an ad-hoc basis

• Approve suggested content

• Delete content they have approved

• Add/remove Teams and Groups

• Control settings throughout the platform

Curator Accesses

Curators are able to curate posts within the platform. They will curate interesting and relevant content ready for the user to share. 

They can:

• Curate posts

• Delete content they have approved

• Add content on an ad-hoc basis

• Add Content Sources

They can not:

• Control settings throughout the platform

• Add Teams and Groups

• Invite users to the platform

• Manage and delete users

How To Add A Curator

In your Admin menu, select Users and then search for the user you wish to make a Curator. Click on the three dots next to their profile and click on edit.

You will then be presented with the Users profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Find the list of Teams on the left-hand side and then click the 'Curator' button so that it is switched on. 

Team Leader Accesses

A Team Leader has an overview of the platform and manages their specific team. Users can be a team leader of multiple teams, this is not specific to one. 

They can:

• Invite users to their team 

• Manage and delete users in their team 

• Approve content for their team 

• Delete content they have approved 

• Can add other Team Leaders

They can not:

• Manage other users outside their team 

• Manage any platform settings 

• View any users outside of their team

• Manage other teams or add new teams 

How to add a Team Leader

In your Admin menu, select Users and then search for the user you wish to make a Team Leader. Click on the three dots next to their profile and click on edit.

You will then be presented with the users profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Find the list of Teams on the left-hand side and then click the 'Leader' button so that it is switched on. 

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Adding Groups

Mandatory Groups
