Which types of content can be added to the platform?

Emma Powney Updated by Emma Powney

The main type of content seen in the DSMN8 platform is an article with a link. URL link articles are the most natural form of content to add to your advocacy program, linking to the company website, webinar sign up pages, or other forms of content provide a direct call to action (CTA) for your company. 

To learn more about curating posts that contain a link, click here.

Image to share posts

Curating images to share into DSMN8 is a great function if there is imagery you would like employees to share that doesn’t have a call to action involved.

To learn more about posts that contain images, click here.

Video posts

This type of content is beneficial for increasing the exposure of your posts (video posts tend to capture the viewer’s attention for longer) and is more of a personable way to engage with your audience. Showcasing things like company culture through video content can help humanize your brand and gives your company a voice. 

To learn more about curating video content, click here.

Text only posts

These posts do not contain any imagery/visual content, but are useful for powerful, topic focused content.

These posts can be pulled in from your content sources or can be added to the platform on an ad hoc basis.

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