New Curation Update

Elliot Updated by Elliot

New Curation Tool

We are excited to have just launched our new & updated curation tool in the platform. As Admins, Team Leaders & Curators creating content should be as easy as possible so you can provide a great experience for your employees sharing, with this new update we have made it easier and more effective to create content in DSMN8.

UI Update

As you can see, curation has had a big UI update with a much more user friendly approach to creating a post for your advocacy program which will take less steps to go through.

AI-Assisted Post Captions & Titles

Using our AI-Assistance you can now auto-generate post captions in DSMN8 to save you time having to manually write multiple post captions for your users. Now, write your first post caption, and just press generate to create an alternate copy for employees to use. These alternates should not always be considered as final so it’s important to review and edit this content to ensure quality, creativity and originality.

Multiple Image Posts

You can now add multiple images to image posts within DSMN8. If you want to share a post with more than one image, such as highlighting a company day out this is now possible. You can re-order and organize these to display exactly how you want them to.

We are so pleased to be able to provide you with these exciting updates to the platform. If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to

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