
Elliot Updated by Elliot

Gamification & DSMN8 

Gamifying your advocacy program is an incredibly powerful tool for encouraging employees to become more involved in sharing company content. If the idea of Employee Advocacy is new to your company adding rewards and gamification will have a significant impact on bringing people into DSMN8 to view and share content. 

The goal behind gamification is not to always just reward employees for sharing, but to bring them into the DSMN8 ecosystem and begin sharing content. By doing this it affirms the use of the platform for employees, from there sharing becomes normalized, and the use of the platform becomes more of a habit for employees. This plays a part in creating the lightbulb moment for employees to recognise the power of sharing on social. To understand more about the steps to become and employee influencer read our article here

Gamification within DSMN8 can be done in a number of ways, the main two being Leaderboard Rewards and Claimable rewards as built in features. To find more about these reward types and setting up Rewards within DSMN8 see below

Claimable Rewards

Leaderboard Rewards

How Points Work 

Rewards are based around points, to find out more about how points work please see  Points

Alternative Approaches To Gamification

Using Leaderboard you can create a competitive environment for employees, this is especially effective for sales teams as well as senior leadership. Highlighting leaderboards and employees that are leading on a weekly or monthly basis, becomes a powerful tool for encouraging further use of DSMN8.

How did we do?

Claimable Rewards
