User Analytics

Elliot Updated by Elliot

User Analytics

Find out more about the results you have achieved with your personal user analytics. See where you rank across the company for Points, Shares and Clicks.

Press Explore Analytics for a more detailed breakdown of your results within DSMN8. 

Find out how many shares and clicks you have generated as well and use our click map to see where in the world people are engaging with your content. You can also view your most popular shares among other stats. 

Below is an overview of the widgets within your Analytics suite.


The number of posts that you have shared.


The number of times someone clicks on the content that you have shared on social media. (IE User X has shared an article to LinkedIn and Person Y from has clicked on the article they shared.)

Clicks Per Share

The average number of clicks generated every time a post is shared. 

LinkedIn Reactions

The number of LinkedIn users who have reacted to content that has been posted through DSMN8.

LinkedIn Comments

The number of comments to the content that has been posted through DSMN8.

Linkedin Reach

The number of times that the content has been seen by LinkedIn users on their feed.

Clicks By Country

An overview of how far your content is reaching around the world. You are able to view the clicks by country, by hovering your cursor over each country. 

Clicks By Channel

A breakdown of clicks by the social media channel that they have come from.

Shares By Channel

A breakdown of each social media channel showing where your content has been shared.

Clicks By Device

The device you have shared your content from.

Top Content By Clicks

The content that has generated the most amount of clicks on social media.

Clicks & Shares (Manual and Automated)

The percentage of clicks and shares from manual and automated sharing.


There are various ways of viewing the data within your Analytics suite. You can view your results by week, month, year etc. You can do this by clicking on 'This Month' at the top right-hand side of the page and it will give you a drop-down menu of how you would like to view your data.

If there is a particular time scale that you would like to view, you can do this by clicking on 'Custom', choosing the month and year and then clicking on which dates you would like to view.

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