
Elliot Updated by Elliot

Adding & Managing Campaigns

Campaigns give the ability to segment and track content by separate topics of interest or company campaigns. By adding campaigns, you can then tag content to be associated with them. See Tagging

Tagging campaigns to content will give you the ability to take a more granular look at the content that you are curating for employees, understanding which areas may be more effective than others. 

Campaigns also give you the ability to add fixed Hashtags to your content. Within the campaign creation you will be able to add Hashtags for certain campaigns. When content is then tagged with a Campaign, these hashtags will be automatically added to the post captions.

Campaigns also allow you to add an extra layer of UTM tracking to your DSMN8 platform, giving you insight into content from your Google Analytics or Marketo Dashboard on a campaign level. 

Creating a Campaign

Navigate to the Campaigns option in your Advocacy Menu. 

Create New Campaign. 

Here you can name your campaign and set the dates you would like this campaign to be available for. Note this does not require an end date. 

Add any fixed Hashtags you would like to add to this campaign, remember these will be added to the post caption for the article being approved. 

Add your UTM parameters. Choose your Custom UTM parameter you would like for this campaign, this will then be visible in your Google Analytics or Marketo Dashboards. 

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UTM & URL Tracking
