Create Leaderboards Rewards

Elliot Updated by Elliot

Create Leaderboard Rewards

Leaderboard Rewards are simple. Prizes are associated to what place you are in on the leaderboard. You do not need to claim a leaderboard rewards, just make sure you are in one of the top places as the leaderboard closes.

Leaderboard Rewards are a great way to incentivize employees to compete with one another to be the best at employee advocacy. Leaderboards can be set up for employees to compete to be in the top places to be able to win an associated prize. 

Examples of leaderboard rewards we have seen previously in DSMN8:

Netflix For A Year

Amazon Alexa

Apple Watch

Day Off Work

$100 Amazon Voucher

$50 Amazon Voucher

Setting Up a Leaderboard Reward Is Simple. 

Head to the gamification page from your Advocacy Menu. 

Select new reward, Name the reward, and select Leaderboard and choose the team/teams you would like this leaderboard to include.

Fill in your reward details, add a Title, Description, and image for your reward (recommended image size 800 X 800). 

Choose your start date for your reward, as well as date you would like the Reward to end and become unavailable. Leaderboards can be backdated, so if you would like your leaderboard to account for shares and clicks in previous days and weeks, be sure to back date this here. 

Leaderboards will automatically start and end on the dates set, however these can be changed at any point. 

Adding Prizes

Add the prizes you would like for your leaderboard. You can drag and drop to re-organise prizes later, so the order is not final. 

Add your prize title, description and an image for the prize you would like to add. 

You are also able to add multiples if there are more than one of this prize for the leaderboard. 

Viewing Leaderboard Winners

In your Gamification Menu, Select the leaderboard you wish to view. 

Select the Leaderboard Tab. From her you can view the leaderboard and positions for Employees. 

Note you are able to export this leaderboard to CSV if you wish to publish the results elsewhere.

How did we do?

Claimable Rewards
