​Sharing to LinkedIn​

Elliot Updated by Elliot

Sharing to LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the most popular sharing location across the DSMN8 platform. To share to LinkedIn, you need to connect your LinkedIn to DSMN8. This provides you with several added features compared to other social channels. However, the sharing process follows the same process as all other channels. Remember, you can also automate the sharing process.

To learn more about best practices when sharing to LinkedIn, check out our article here: How To Write The Perfect LinkedIn Post.

Choose the article you would like to share, and select the LinkedIn Icon as the social channel to share to. 

  1. Post Caption - This is a personalised message that will be added to your LinkedIn post when you share. Put your stamp on the content you are sharing, explain why it is interesting to your network, find out more about post captions from our article here.   (See Image Below) 
  2. Preview Images - The preview image is the image that appears to display what the article is about. When available multiple images may have been added to a post as a user, you will be able to select a preview image that you prefer using the arrow options. (See Image Below). 
  3. Preview Title - The title for the article that you have shared. 
  4. Preview Description - Preview Description is not visible on LinkedIn, but makes up part of the Metadata for your share. 
  5. Smart Scheduling - Our smart scheduling algorithm will suggest the best time for you to share your article. Alternatively, you can select a date and time which you would prefer, or elect to share the post straight away 

Once you are happy with your post, press submit, and your article will be shared or scheduled to share to LinkedIn per the times set. You can view and edit your scheduled posts from the Schedule page. You will find this option on a dropdown menu after clicking on the top-right corner of the screen that leads to your profile.

Sharing An Image

Choose the image you would like to share, and select the LinkedIn Icon as the social channel to share to.  Sharing an image is slightly different from a link, as there is no article URL that you will be taking people to if they click on your post. With this sharing an image has slightly less options available. 

  1. Post Caption - This is personalised message that will be added to your LinkedIn post when you share. Put your stamp on the content you are sharing, explain why it is interesting to your network, find out more about post captions from our article here.   (See Image Below) 
  2. Smart Scheduling - Our smart scheduling algorithm will suggest the best time for you to share your article. Alternatively, you can select a date and time which you would prefer, or select to share the post straight away.

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