​Smart Schedule Algorithm​

Elliot Updated by Elliot

Smart Schedule Algorithm

DSMN8 will suggest the best time for you to share content when sharing to LinkedIn. This is an algorithm that works from 3 main pillars:

The most effective sharing times across the week on LinkedIn

Different days have different optimum times for sharing to LinkedIn, DSMN8 works with these times to find the most appropriate time for you to share. 

When your network is most active

The more you use DSMN8 the better understanding the platform has about when you generate the most engagement. The platform will then start to suggest times that will increase your likelihood of engagement on your posts. 

When your colleagues are sharing the same content

With a number of colleagues sharing the same article, we aim to avoid overlap in sharing times, giving each user their own timeframe to share a post and breaking up the sharing over a designated time period. 

How did we do?

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