Newletter Analytics

Elliot Updated by Elliot

Newsletter Analytics

Once you have sent a Newsletter you will be able to view the analytics for the emails that were sent. Below is out line of what each of these metrics represents.

Email Deliverability

Estimated Audience: The number of email addresses the Newsletter was sent to.

Total Delivered: The number of emails that were successfully delivered to inboxes.

Open Rate: The percentage of emails that were opened once delivered

Content Featured In Newsletter

These are the metrics for any posts/boost posts that were added in your newsletter.

Shares: How many times the post/posts featured in the newsletter were shared directly from the email.

Boost Likes: How many Boost Post likes were created for the boost post featured in the newsletter directly from the email.

Boost Shares: How many Boost Post Reshares were created for the boost post featured in the newsletter directly from the email.

Other Content Not Featured In Newsletter

These metrics track the actions from users who may not have shared the post provided in the newletter, but proceeded to share other posts in the platform via the Newsletter prompt.

Shares: How many posts were shared by users not featured in the newletter but caused by the newletter.

Boost Likes: How many Boost Post likes were created for posts not featured in the newsletter but subsequently liked in the platform.

Boost Shares: How many Boost Post reshares were created for posts not featured in the newsletter but subsequently reshared in the platform.

How did we do?

Newsletter Templates Library

Newsletter Elements
