​LinkedIn Permissions​

Elliot Updated by Elliot

LinkedIn Permissions

DSMN8 connects to your LinkedIn account to enable you to share to LinkedIn and automate the sharing process should you choose to. When connecting your LinkedIn account, several basic permissions are requested, many of which at DSMN8 we do not use but still have to be requested. Below is a detailed outline of these permission levels and how they are used.

•  Use your basic profile including your name, photo, headline, and public profile URL 

DSMN8 uses your Name and Photo to autofill ones that have not already been added. We will also use your Profile URL to link to your profile from your BIO, only other uses inside your company account will be able to see or press this link.

•  Retrieve posts, comments, reactions and other engagement data

DSMN8 uses this data to see how effective a user's shares have been, to be able to see how much engagement has been generated, to report into the admin analytics for the account. DSMN8 will only retrieve this data for posts share via DSMN8 and does not do this for any posts/shares outside the DSMN8 ecosystem. 

•  Create, modify and delete posts, comments and reactions on your behalf

DSMN8 only uses the function to create posts for users as a way to share content from DSMN8 to LinkedIn, including scheduling content for the future time/date. DSMN8 does not use the ability to modify or delete comments or posts and does not have any effect on content published outside of the DSMN8 Platform. 

•  Name & Photo

DSMN8 uses this to autofill your Name and Profile Image if one has not already been uploaded.

•  Use your First Degree Connections Data

DSMN8 does not use any of your degree connections data for any purpose. DSMN8 uses connection data for one key purpose, to count the number of connections a user has, to establish the "reach" of their LinkedIn Network.

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