Mandatory Groups

Emma Powney Updated by Emma Powney

Making Groups Mandatory For Users

In many cases, you may have created a number of Groups in your DSMN8 account for users to be able to join.

Whilst these groups can be left open for users to leave and join as they choose, these groups can also be made mandatory for users.

Creating a Mandatory Group is easy. Simply add a new Group, and choose the teams that you would like to make the group mandatory for. You can also choose the "Everyone" team if you want all users to be a member of this group. 

Once a group is mandatory, all the relevant users will be automatically added to the Group, users will not be able to leave the group and will then see all the content tagged to the group. This is great to be used for global content, that you want to make sure all employees see, whether they have chosen the group or not.

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