User, Team & Group Management

Executive Influencers (VIPs)

Executive Influencers. Executive Influencers within DSMN8 are users who have been classified as such in order to have a permission tier similar to the ones of curators or team leaders. Executive Infl…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney

Adding Teams

Adding New Teams. Adding Teams to DSMN8 allows you more flexibility in the platform and for your employees. Creating teams means you are able to segment your content by these teams, making it possibl…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney

Restricted Access Teams

Restricted Access Teams. Teams can be restricted to control the users that are able to join them. An example of this being used is having teams within DSMN8 for Senior Leadership, so no other employe…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney

Adding Groups

Adding Groups. Groups enable you to create a more granular level of segmentation to your account, adding custom group types and options. Groups are a secondary level to teams, and enable you to add f…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney

Admins, Curators & Team Leaders

Admins, Curators and Team Leaders. There are a number of different roles within DSMN8 that have elevated access beyond a standard user. Whilst you may have global admins with full access to everythin…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney

Mandatory Groups

Making Groups Mandatory For Users. In many cases, you may have created a number of Groups in your DSMN8 account for users to be able to join. Whilst these groups can be left open for users to leave a…

Emma Powney
Updated by Emma Powney
