
Elliot Updated by Elliot

What is Auto-Scheduling?

Auto-Scheduling is a great tool for those that are too busy and don’t have the time to share content manually through DSMN8. Setting up auto-scheduling allows you to automatically share relevant content to your LinkedIn Network without having to do so manually.  Let DSMN8 run ambiently in the background and keep schedule content for you. 

An Auto-Schedule can be set up for any parameters you would like to give you flexibility in how often you would like to share content. 

This works by searching for the most relevant piece of content for you to share, on the days that you have selected. Auto-scheduling will work backwards through the available content for you to share to find the most recent and relevant post to share. Incorporating our smart scheduling algorithm this finds the best time for you to share, without sharing content at the same time as your colleagues. 

Set Up

Setting up your Auto-Schedule is really simple. 

Click On Your User Profile the Auto-Scheduling. 

You will first need to switch on auto-scheduling using the switch in the top right of your screen. 

Change your settings for your schedule to define how often you would like to share content and choose the days you want that to be applicable to. 

You can also use the advanced settings to filter your auto-scheduling to automatically filter for select content from certain teams, groups and even content sources. 

Filtering your auto-schedule will mean you ONLY share content that has come from or is tagged for those exact places.      


Changing Your Auto-Schedule

You can always change your Auto-Schedule at any time. Simply return to the auto-scheduling page and you will be able to switch it off, or edit your schedule however you see fit. 

My Auto-Schedule Expired

Per LinkedIn Terms and Conditions you will need to confirm you are still happy for DSMN8 to schedule automatically on your behalf. Every 365 days, you will be required to reconnect or confirm the connection for your LinkedIn account to DSMN8. 

You will be sent an email reminding you of this, prior to your channel expiring, there will also be prompts in the platform to remind you.

How did we do?

​Smart Schedule Algorithm​

