
Elliot Updated by Elliot


Make any changes to your account's theme, logo and colour scheme. Creating an account that is familiar to your employees makes a significant impact on how employees interact with your advocacy platform. DSMN8 allows you to customise your account to align with your brand. This turns DSMN8 from "another piece of software" to a fully-fledged company initiative. 

Platform Name

Many clients wish to change the name of their DSMN8 account. Instead of inviting employees to join DSMN8, this could be altered to join "Nike Amplify". Changing the platform's name allows you to create more company ownership of an advocacy initiative.

This is the primary logo for your account and will be visible in the top bar of your account. DSMN8 will resize images where possible. Add a landscape image with minimal borders for the best possible logo visibility. 

This is the preview image should any content sources not automatically pull through an image for posts. See Link Posts. 

Otherwise known as a Favicon, this is the icon when DSMN8 is open in your browser. DSMN8 will resize images where possible when uploaded. Please ensure the image is square. 

Top Left Icon - 200 X 200

To replace the DSMN8 top left icon, you can upload your own icon. DSMN8 will resize images where possible. However, we recommend a square image with minimal borders.

Platform Colours


Primary colour used for main actions, links and mentions on all parts of platform. This will be the main colour for the platform. 


Primary Light

Light colour used as an accent or variation to the primary colour. It is recommended this is a Hue of the primary colour for best experience. 



Secondary colour used for secondary actions, complimentary to the primary colour


Secondary Light 

Light colour used as background for explainer sections and description boxes

How did we do?

Global Notification Settings

Invite a Colleague
