AI Assistant

Elliot Updated by Elliot

AI Curation Assistant

As part of the curation process, Admins & Curators are able to use DSMN8s AI post caption assistant.

We understand writing multiple post captions for a post can be challenging and often a time constraint when creating content. Now with the AI Assistant you are able to create new post captions with the press of a button. Adding multiple post captions to your posts enables employees to share more unique variations of posts, and have more creative options.

Learn more about DSMN8's realease of AI Assistance here.

How Does It Work?

DSMN8 is integrated with OpenAI and focused to create post captions for a business audience.

You will first need to create a post caption for the content you are curating. The more you add here the more the AI assistance will have to work with, but it may also take longer to create a new caption.

Once you have your post caption, press Generate Alternative Version. The AI assisant will then use the original post caption you created and write a new alternative for you.

You are able to generate as many post captions as you would like when creating content, there are currently no restrictions for clients utilising this feature. AI Assistance is also available in all languages supported by OpenAI, so this is not restricted to just English.

AI Assistance is still a new tool and cannot always be 100% accurate. We recommend checking and proofing all content created.

How did we do?

Curating Link Content
